If it’s not one thing, it’s another…

I’m saying this with a smile. There’s no sense it gettin’ annoyed. What happened on Tuesday, but the Hot Water heater went out. No hot water anywhere in the house. Nutts.

Papa called the plumber and he trotted out the next day. It’s bad. It can’t be fixed. Best get it in your head to choose a new one. So, papa has decided we’re going to do a tankless. It more expensive, but the Government offers a Tax credit to people whom choose a tankless heater that’s energy star. That’s not a deduction, but a physical 30% back. Guaranteed.


The tankless installation was completed yesterday. I used the shower last night and it was fantastic. It’s the first time in years I could set the temp and then not have to adjust it up as time went on… simply marvelous.


My health is back on track. I’m feeling much better. I’m still on rather small portions. This is ok with me. I’m not in a hurry to stretch out my stomach again. This will help me live a more healthy lifestyle.

Have a great Friday!


© ‘Fizz’ 2009

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12 Responses to If it’s not one thing, it’s another…

  1. Rita says:

    Happy fathers day to Papa :)


  2. Sherry says:

    Hip Hip Hooray! I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Sorry about having to get a new heater but it’s probably a good thing anyway. It sounds like it is and should be cheaper to run.Have a fantastic dayHugs


  3. CAROL says:

    YAY I am able to comment today! Such a relief! Hope your much much better and on your way to better health. WHen your bank account savings get some money I think it EMAILS your house and then it KNOWS to have something breakdown. Seems it always is something or another. LOL Hope the heat letts up down there. We are in a cool period but I am loving it knowing what is coming soon. Take care : )


  4. crowded says:

    hi fizz, a pretty cool space u got here, my new friend. i never heard of a tankless either but i’m glad its good. i hope u have a fabulous day. phil


  5. Rita says:

    I’m glad the extra money was worth it for a tankless. I will keep that in mind if anything goes wrong here *knocks on wood*.I hope you continue to feel better!


  6. Joe says:

    I think getting money back right away from an investment like that is a great thing, I hope it works out for you. We’ve had a water heater or two go out and it sucks…almost always in the winter too. Dad’s looking into somekind of new heating/cooling system in the house that gives a big cash bonus from the government too…I don’t know if he’ll follow through or not. I am glad to hear that you’re still making your way along the road to recovery. Blessings to you my friend.


  7. Babblelot says:

    You can’t beat the money back. I am so happy you are feeling better. It’s been awhile for you. You are right and don’t stretch out the tummy much more. I should talk, I ended up pigging out on the food I missed. But that’s me. You give yourself a fun weekend outing. You deserve it! Hugs!!


  8. Beth says:

    I never heard of a tankless water heater but I definitely will remember this if the need arises as it sounds fantastic.I am so glad you are felling better Ms Fizz.Hugs,Beth


  9. john says:

    Tankless/instant water heaters are great, endless hot water. Got my first one about 15 years ago. For hard water a polyphosphate feeder works as good as a softner and uses less space. Stay on the feeling better track. Have a great day.


  10. Ann says:

    Glad the tankless water heater suits you. Sounds like heaven.


  11. Terry says:

    Glad you getting your groove back. Tankless does sound like the way to go. But because our water is so hard here we would have to put in both a water softener and tankless and there’s just not room for both. Have a good day.


  12. Shelly says:

    I’m so glad to hea you are feeling better. Hubby says if our water heater ever goes we are going with the tankless as well. Take care give Papa a hug from me and the girls a good belly rub. Take care darlin! ttfn GO WINGS!!


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